An Annual Event Benefiting Dixon Place Dance Programs
Photo by Emily Smyth Vartanian
Join us at Dixon Place for a very special finale saluting the dancemakers who grace our stage and screen. On Monday, December 30, 30 dance companies showcase 3 minutes of work each, saluting the close of the 38th Anniversary Season of NYC’s pre-eminent artistic incubator.
Supporting Dixon Place helps bring together visionary artists and adventurous audiences. Your year end gift strengthens the community during this formidable time. We’re very grateful for your donations!
Participating Companies:
32nd Pack Dance Company
Choreographers: Rachel Daly and Caroline Sherwood
Website: the32ndpack.squarespace.com
Axons Dance Theatre
Choreographer: Joan Liu
Bahar Dance Ensemble
Choreographers: Julia Kulakova and Angelina Haque
Instagram: @_julia_kulakova & @angelina.haque
Cara Leggio (Choreographer)
Instagram: @cara_leggs
Chutzpah Dance
Choreographer: Erica Isakower
Instagram: @chutzpahdance
Dance Key West
Choreographer: Caitlin Belland
Instagram: @dancekeywest
Dani Medvedovski and Paige Majewski (Choreographers)
Instagram: @dmchoreo and @_paigemajewski86
Empire Dance Company
Dir: Bree Jacobs Choreographers: Claire Coolidge and Lauren Kraynak
Instagram: @empiredancenj
Enya Kalia Creations
Choreographer: Enya-Kalia Jordan
Instagram: @enyakaliacreations
Exceptional Dance Company
Choreographer: Lindsay Gibbons
Instagram: @exceptionaldance
Extensions Dance Project
Choreographer: Kaitlyn Esposito
Website: www.extensionsdanceproject.com
General Mischief Dance Theatre
Choreographer: Richard Sayama
Website: GeneralMischief.com
Gwen Ontiveros (Choreographer)
Instagram: @gwendancesagain
Inclined Dance Project
Choreographer: Kristen Klein
Website: www.inclineddanceproject.com
Jansen and Holm
Choreographer: Krista Jansen and CJ Holm
Website: jansenandholm.wordpress.com
Jiali Wang (Choreographer)
Instagram: @ji_ali_wang
Juliette Rafael (Choreographer)
Instagram: @juliette.rafael
Kaleid Dance Collective
Choreographer: Rush Johnston
Instagram: @Rushj_dance
Martha Lavery (Choreographer)
Instagram: @marmar_out
Mason Lee Dance Theater
Choreographer: Mason Lee
Website: www.masonleedancetheater.org
MoJazz Dance
Choreographer: Audrey Hubbard Madison
Monét Movement Productions: The Collective
Choreographer- Makayla Peterson
Instagram: @mmp.thecollective
Nicole Colbert Dance/Theatre
Choreographer: Nicole Colbert
Website: nicolecolbertdance.com
Olivia Ramsey (Choreographer)
Website: www.oliviaramsey.com
Rachel Baird and Michelle Shea (Choreographers)
Instagram: @rachelbaird18, @michellelouise26
rogue wave
Choreographers: Catherine Messina
Website: catherinemessina.com
Samantha Paulik (Choreographer)
Instagram: @sampaulik
The Brooklyn Dance Ensemble
Choreographer: Benjamin Briones
Website: thebrooklyndancecenter.com
Unbound Dance Collective
Choreographer: Maria Perry
Website: www.unbounddancecollective.com
Venkata Krishna Sindhu Kandrapu (Choreographer)
Instagram: @_krishnasindhu_
Our Gates Community Performance
Join us along with our friends Alison Cook Beatty Dance and guest artists for a delightful afternoon of joyful movement, visual art, music, and reading. This free outdoor event highlights the remarkable sculptural work “Our Gates” by the incredible Marco Palli. His piece celebrates welcoming everyone in New York and is thoughtfully designed, drawing on his experience as an immigrant artist.
Meet us at the sculpture “Our Gates” located here and enjoy our performances which will feature music by our longtime collaborators 41street Ensemble.
Free to attend, just turn up!
Riverside Park (click here for meeting point)
The sculpture is at sea level just north of 145th. Take the multi-level stairs down from the 145th street entrance by the track/rec center.
Accessibility note: The elevator at 145th Street is not currently in operation. The closest accessible entrance is the pedestrian bridge at 151st street. Click here for a map to the bridge.
This performance is made possible with the generous support of IndieSpace.
Image courtesy Art Students League
Marco Palli, Our Gates
November 9, 2023 to August 26, 2024
Riverside Park, Manhattan
Palli uses material to question his daily processes and how they engage with his identity. Expanding beyond the personal, Palli’s sculpture presents an opportunity for audiences to engage with the narratives of local versus foreign and the sense of belonging within the United States. Our Gates is a celebration of New York City and its diverse communities, utilizing interlocking arches to both welcome visitors into the community and to encourage them to pass through into a symbolic space of participation, experimentation, and intrepid opportunity.

Mischief Everywhere You Look
Riverside Park at West 63rd Street
• Meet at the Solstice Bench •
Saturday September 23rd (6pm)
Sunday September 24th (5:30pm)
In partnership with
Summer on the Hudson Festival
An uplifting one hour dance performance adventure awaits!
Join us in the beautiful Riverside Park for playful dances and joyful live music.
Don't miss guest artists Zara Lawler/The Flute on Its Feet and percussionist Pablo Eluchans performing live too!
Jump in for the dance party at the end!
*We highly recommend reserving your spot on Eventbrite so we can get in touch with you about any last minute weather and public transportation updates.
ASL interpretation provided on Sunday 9/24.
This is a wheelchair accessible event.
Take the A, C, D or 1 trains to 59th St
OR take the 2 or 3 trains to 72nd St
Meet at the Solstice Bench (link to map)

Let Loose
Aaron Davis Hall
City College of New York
May 19th and 20th, 2023
7:30pm performances
Featuring an outstanding cast of performers and exciting new dances!
Music by TAIKOPROJECT, The Fourth Wall Ensemble, and live music by the all-female 41street Ensemble.
Suitable for the whole family. Don't miss it!

Summer on the Hudson
Summer on the Hudson
October 1st, 2022
2pm & 5:30pm performances
This event took place at Summer on the Hudson at 2pm and 5:30pm on Saturday, October 1st.

Liberty Hall Dance Festival
Liberty Hall Dance Festival
September 24th, 2022
Liberty Hall Dance Festival
September 24th, 2022
Kean University/Liberty Hall Museum
Union, NJ
*Rain date 9/25